Privacy Policy

In the course of providing services to the customers, Air Taxi requires personal data & information from its customers. The data & information are collected & used by Air Taxi to provide safe, smooth & seamless travel experience. The sole controller of the customer’s data & information is Air Taxi.

In certain cases, customers voluntarily share their personal information with a third party to deal with Air Taxi. In such cases, Air Taxi collects & processes only the required information. Air Taxi is not liable for any additional data collected by the Third Party from the customers.

Air Taxi only acts as controller or processer of the information depending upon the purpose & source of the data or information.

Air Taxi respects the customer’s privacy & strives to take necessary measures to protect the data which Air Taxi collects, uses or discloses for regulatory & business purpose. Air Taxi treats the information of its customers as proprietary & confidential & exercise same degree of care to protect the confidentiality of such information as it would exercise to protect its own confidential information.

Air Taxi collects information about the customers which include the following sources:

  1. On Air Taxi website or mobile app.
  2. Offline: Air Taxi ticketing office, Customer Care, Authorised Agents or other affiliates.

The mandatory information Air Taxi directly collects to provide the booked services is as follows:

  1. Name
  2. Contact information namely, address, phone number & e-mail address
  3. Gender & DOB
  4. Company Name & GST no. (if applicable)
  5. Payment information (debit/credit card information)
  6. User & activity data from our sites & applications
  7. IP address, cookies, tags or other similar technologies that enable tracking as customer browse our sites.

The other information we collect about you, when you voluntarily opt to provide the same while booking services with Air Taxi, includes:

  1. Government ID
  2. Travel information, preferences & special requests
  3. Purchase information (including both travel & non-travel purchases)
  4. Health information (namely, medical records or requests).

We primarily use the information collected from customers, to

  1. Carry out business operations & provide services
  2. Fulfil necessary compliances under applicable law
  3. Facilitate specific requests & preferences
  4. Gather feedback to improve services

Air Taxi reserves the right to disclose any personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To conduct our operations & business & to provide you the services
  2. To comply with any applicable law, order, rule, regulation, direction or request of any governmental, regulatory or law enforcement authority in any jurisdiction
  3. To enforce or protect or when we have reason to believe that disclosing your information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone
  4. For such other purposes for which you have given your specific request or consent.

Air Taxi website often provides links to third party websites, such as those of our business partners & online advertisers. We request the customer to review their privacy policies to learn more about what, why & how they collect & use information.

Air Taxi, upon request, may allow customers to view, change or update stored personal information. Where permitted by law, Air Taxi reserves the right to charge a reasonable amount for this service. In exceptional circumstances or due security reasons, Air Taxi reserves the right to deny access to personal information & may provide an explanation as required by applicable laws.


A final note: The web is an evolving medium. Air Taxi may need to change privacy policy from time to time. By continuing to use the services after we post such changes, our visitors accept the terms of this policy, as modified.