why FHC

Why Book With FHCDEALS?

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Price Match Grantee

Discount Fares

24/7 Customer Care

Booking in just Three Steps

Access from anywhere

100% secured

Price Match Guarantee

  • When booking with FHCDEALS, we want you to be confident that you have found a great deal. That’s why, if you see a lower price (including taxes and fees) for the same flight itinerary offered and available for booking on a Major OTA Competitor’s site within twenty-four (24) hours of booking, we will match that lower price by refunding the difference in price. That’s our Price Match Guarantee. The same itinerary means that each and every element of each offer matches a. airline(s), flight number(s), b. itinerary, date(s), number of customers and seat type. Which are “Offered and available for booking” means that the itinerary you found is actually live on a Major OTA Competitor’s site and available to be booked by the general public at the time you contact us, as determined by our customer service representatives. For purposes of the Price Match Guarantee, a “Major OTA Competitor” means the U.S. English- language websites of Expedia.com, Orbitz.com, Priceline.com and Travelocity.com. The Price Match Guarantee does not apply to fares offered on membership program websites, corporate discounts or rates; group, charter, rewards program, incentive, meeting, convention, or consolidator fares; or fares available only by using a coupon or other promotion not offered to the general public. Military, student, government, tour operator, bulk, vacation package or "Web Only" fares are excluded. The PMP does not apply to “opaque” tickets (where the airline booking details are unknown until after purchase) or tickets issued under a “bidding” or “auction” model. Fare errors are also excluded.